Glo Cart Jamaican Dream
Glo Cart Jamaican Dream is a specific strain of cannabis available in cartridge form. Here is some detailed information about Glo Cart Jamaican Dream.
Jamaican Dream is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain bred by Eva Seeds using Jamaican genetics.
It is known for its subtle and sweet flavor that helps elevate mood and induce a weightless sense of elation.
The buds of Jamaican Dream are pointed and compact, with a flowering cycle of 42 to 45 days indoors or finishing in late September in outdoor gardens.
Effects: Glo Cart Jamaican Dream
Jamaican Dream is described as a light and uplifting strain, making it ideal for starting the day and early treatment of depression and fatigue.
Users have reported feeling happy, uplifted, and energetic when consuming Jamaican Dream.
It can provide a sense of motivation and purpose, allowing users to tackle tasks without feeling anxious or paranoid.
Medical Benefits:
Jamaican Dream is often used to treat chronic fatigue, mild cases of depression, PTSD, and chronic stress.
It may also help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and provide stress relief.
Flavor Profile:
Jamaican Dream has a delightful aroma of sweet fruity berry and a taste reminiscent of baked blueberry candy.

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